Recherche en Inde, bouche à oreille virtuel et social communautaire

Recherche en ligne : on parle beaucoup des firmes US, chinoises, un peu des françaises mais beaucoup moins de ce qui se passe en Inde. Pourtant l’Inde constitue un formidable réservoir de matière grise et de technologies de haut niveau.
Four interactive basée à Bangalore vient de boucler un 2nd tour de table pour assurer le développement de, service de recherche locale, dans tout le pays.

Univers Virtuels : alors que Virtual Paris se termine et que le compte-rendu n’apporte pas grand chose, je vous propose deux études qui apportent un éclairage tant sur :

  1. La fréquentation effective des univers virtuels : Virtual worlds are trendy spots for kids and teens apporte son lot de questions : “What value is there in a person’s avatar drinking a Pepsi?” se demande Debra Aho Williamson auteur du rapport. Elle n’est pas la seule ;
  2. La propagation du bouche à oreille dans un réseau social online : Driving Word of Mouth Advocacy Among Business Executives montre que si le bouche à oreille se révèle aussi dans un environnement B2B le premier levier d’achat, il n’en demeure pas moins que la décision finale est prise suite à un conversation dans le monde réel.

Nouveaux services communautaires : lancement cette semaine d’Obiwi, magazine d’un genre nouveau, entre média traditionnel et réseau social. et groupe Facebook.
Getsatisfaction de l’autre côté se propose d’être 1/3 conversation online, 1/3 FAQ et 1/3 réseau social. Tout le monde peut participer, même les entreprises !!

2 réflexions au sujet de “Recherche en Inde, bouche à oreille virtuel et social communautaire”

  1. Dear Doctor Web,

    I hope this is the quickest way to get in touch with you… We would really appreciate to know what you think about the first European Social Network with a social agenda. It has been released this week, and your opinion as expert blogger can make a difference!

    Which kind of impact can a Social Network have on European peace, stability, co-operation and policies? Can we make a difference by expressing our opinions online, in a hub where they can benefit from critical mass?

    If you support this project, it would be great if you decide to blog about Below, we enclose a press-release with some more information.

    If you have any question, I am happy to answer! By providing your opinion and blogging about, you can already make a difference!



    —– European Social Network: —–
    A European Social Network with a social agenda has been officially released this week: mission is to promote peace, sustainable development, co-operation and enlargement by linking Europeans together. is different from other social networks: it is made by Europeans for other Europeans. Compared to existing social networks in Europe, it has been designed to be easily localized in every European language, instead of focusing on one or two national markets. uses Web 2.0 tools which are very attractive for younger generations, but still accessible to more mature ones. Users can choose their level of involvement in the community: from browsing users, just watching pictures, videos and news; to active participants in the discussion about European Union enlargement and other European opportunities, sharing stories, posting opinions and creating groups of interests.

    Younger generations are the ones who will affected the most by changes in Europe. A social network is an effective media to reach them. Now, Europeans can get to know each other better, keep in touch with friends met offline and get informed using a familiar media. Several other projects are in the pipeline, including mobile social network . Also, a free, open source and multilingual suite of web-publishing tools will be released, allowing every Internet user (even without IT skills), to create communities and foster freedom of speech all around Europe, especially where it is needed the most.

    ABOUT MYPACIS.EU is a European Social Network with a social agenda: promoting peace by linking Europeans together. It is an open source, integrated and multilingual social network, developed using Web 2.0 tools with a European prospective.

  2. Dear Franck from MyPacis,
    Tx for your interest, and the “expert blogger”.
    I haven’t had much time to browse your website.

    The point is that I tdon’t know how to contact you back..

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